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According to data from the International Olive Council (IOC), the world olive grove is made up of about 850 million trees covering an area of more than 10 million hectares. Of these, more than one million is dedicated to the production of table olives.

According to the report on Crop Areas and Yields of 2018 (ESYRCE), Spain has 2,733,620 hectares of olive groves, of which 189,794 (6,94%) are dedicated to table olives. The latter are mainly concentrated in Andalusia and Extremadura, which have 86,98 % and 11,01 % of the total respectively, that is, 97.99% of these crops occur in these two communities.


Spain is the world's first producer of table olives, followed by other countries such as Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, Greece, Syria, Morocco and Argentina. The global average production of the last five seasons amounts to 2,805,000 tons, of which 567,000 were produced in Spain, that is, 20.2% of the total.

Source: International Olive Council


According to data from the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA), in the 2019/2020 season the national production of table olives was around 456,460 tons.

The productions located in Andalusia reached a total of 337,031 tons, which represents 73.8% of the national production. Seville with 218,238, Córdoba with 55,159 and Malaga with 59,411 are the provinces with the highest production.

On the other hand, the industries located in Extremadura generated 110,810 tons, which represents 24.3% of the national production, corresponding to the province of Badajoz 62,255 and Cáceres 48,555.

Source: Food Information and Control Agency


According to AICA data, in the 2019/20 season, 416 Facilities dedicated to olive processing are counted. The geographical distribution is as follows:

Source: Food Information and Control Agency

Following the AICA data, in the 2019/20 season, 280 facilities dedicated to PACKAGING are counted. The geographical distribution is as follows:

Source: Food Information and Control Agency


The sector is of great relevance in the whole of the national agri-food industry, both for the number of jobs it generates and for its volume of production and export, leading Spain the world market in both concepts.

It generates more than 8,000 direct jobs, more than six million wages for the collection and cultivation of the olive tree, to which we must add those created by companies and auxiliary factories such as glass, tin, cardboard, machinery, transport, etc. This represents 27% of the employment generated by the national canned and prepared vegetable products sector, participating with 22% in the national value of this sector and contributing to the GDP around 1,000 million euros.


According to data from the IOC (International Olive Council), the average consumption of the last five seasons amounts to 2,684,700 tons and is distributed by countries according to the following graph.

Source: International Olive Council

Spain ranks fifth in the ranking with an average consumption of 188,500 tons.


According to the MAGRAMA Food Consumption Panel, in 2019 the national olive consumption in households has been steady in the last couple of years. For hotels and restaurants, there are no data available since 2011. Household consumption accounts for around 75% of the national consumption of table olives.

The household consumption of table olives is remaining at approximately the same level as it was 15 years ago, with a continuous decrease in the 2009-2011 period and an increase in the 2012-17 period, and remaining steady since then.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment


According to data from the IOC (International Olive Council), the global average export of the last five seasons, excluding intra-EU imports from EU countries, amounts to 634,800 tons and is distributed by countries according to the following graph.

Source: International Olive Council


According to data from the D.G. CUSTOMS, in 2019, exports of table olives from Spain, including shipments to the countries of the European Union, reached the figure of 345,197 MT (drained net weight), whose value amounts to 758 million euros. Spanish exports in 2019 have experienced a 17.92% increase compared to 2018.



TM thousand euros TM % 18/19 thousand euros % 18/19
EUROPEAN UNION 131,834 302,554 147,290 11.72 318,318 5.18
NORTH AMERICA 76,647 193,414 95,543 24.65 207,156 7.1
ARABIAN COUNTRIES 29,675 61,171 32,197 8.5 60,626 -0.89
EASTERN EUROPE AND BALKAN COUNTRIES 25,043 76,678 31,349 25.18 89,913 17.26
CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA 11,463 25,528 16,937 47.76 31,378 22.92
OTHERS 18,082 46,669 21,881 21.01 51,193 9.7
TOTAL 292,744 706,014 345,097 17.92 758,484 7.43
Source: D.G. Aduanas

Exports have increased by 11.72% in the EU, and by 24.65% in North America, 8.50% in the Arab Countries, 25.18% in the Eastern and Balkan countries, 47.76% in Central and South America, and 21.01% in Other countries.

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