parallax background
why and how to partner
  • because ASEMESA is the association that represents and defends the interests of the Spanish table olive industry and the forum where issues of interest in the sector that affect you are discussed.
  • because ASEMESA is the industry's reference and the industry's partner with the administration.
  • because ASEMESA keeps you updated, through the service of circulars, of all matters of interest: evolution of the national market and exports, production estimates, calls for aid, regulatory news, R & D & I, etc.
  • because ASEMESA solves your specific queries and doubts in record time.
  • because, given the tangle and excess of information, ASEMESA selects and summarizes the quality and interest information.

Any natural or legal person who, upon request, documents their legal authorization for the elaboration and / or commercialization of table olives, the realization of said activity / s as principal / s and has the right to associate the facilities necessary for its exercise, provided that any of the three calendar years prior to the application for entry, has made a minimum sales of five hundred thousand kilograms of olive in any state of development.

Associates will have rights and obligations to the extent and with the requirements established in the Statutes.

If you wish to associate you should contact ASEMESA, as well as fill out and send the following INCOME APPLICATION

ASEMESA C / Mesón del Moro, 1. 41004. Seville. Spain.
Tel. +34 954 22 94 85
Fax. +34 954 22 32 61